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Monday, April 27, 2009

Parangkusumo is a love beach in Yogyakarta

Secret nuance would soon felt is momentary after entering complex Parangkusumo beach, located the beach 30 km from Yogyakarta city and believed as gateway to step into south sea palace. Seta flower fragrant would soon is kissed when passing concevutive interest seller that is easily is met, unites with incense fragrant burned as one of offerings material. a nuance which seldom be met along the beach other. The secret increasingly felt when you to see seta flower conspergent and with refer to offerings in Batu Cinta which located in in Puri Cepuri, place of Panembahan Senopaati meets with Ratu Kidul and makes agreement. Senopati the scorpion sits doing penance in bigger fairish stone in north side whereas Ratu Kidul draws near and sits in smaller stone in side south.

Meeting of Senopati with Ratu Kidul has unique story network and influential to the relation of Yogyakarta Kingdom with Bale Sokodhomas Kingdom mastered by Ratu Kidul. Altogether begins when Senopati to do asceticism Ngeli to make perfect miracle. Reach when certain of hermitage, sudden along the beach happened storm, trees in ridge is abstracted the root, sea-water boils and fish is thrown to continent. The case makes Ratu Kidul makes an appearance to ocean surface, meets Senopati and finally fall in love. Senopati lays open the desire to can govern Mataram and requests help Ratu Kidul. The Queen finally promises the request on condition that Senopati and all the descendant will become prince consort Kidul. Senopati finally in agreement with condition of the marriage doesn't yield child.

The agreement makes Yogyakarta Kingdom as one of fraction of Mataram has tightly relationship with south sea palace. Its proof is implementation of ceremony “labuhan alit” every year as a form of devoting. One part of the procession labuhan, that is obsequies of nail cutting and hair shaped and Sultan clothes takes place in areal Puri Cepuri. You can see this labuhan process. Asceticism Senopati producing fruit result also makes many people to believe that all request types will be granted when will climb application at elbow Batu Cinta. No wonder, if hundreds of unlimited people of class and religion frequently visit this complex at days secret assumed. Pilgrimage to Batu Cinta is believed also can assist discharges heavy burden of the someone and grows again spirit of life.

Besides touring Batu Cinta and sees procession labuhan, you also able to circle coast with horse train rising. You will sent towards every angle of Parangkusumo, from east side to west. Going up horse train, you can enjoy view of big breaker and wind the blow of wind which slow. Horse train rent fare and cabman non to be expensive, only Rp20. 000 for once circumference. When fatigue, Parangkusumo has a number of booths vending food. The many amounts visitor makes this coast region almost always crowded is visited, even finite nighttime. Quite a lot also the peziarah lodging along the beach this to climb prayer. For you which wish to feel experience of spiritual in Parangkusumo can joint forces with the other visitor for with praying.

Batu Raden in Purwokerto, Central Java

Besides having language that is typical, Purwokerto is in around 200km west side Yogyakarta also has place of tour which it is good to is visited. That is tour area Batu Raden. To get in the place can not difficult. Enough vehicle searching of majors public Purwokerto-Baturaden from terminal Kebon dalem all of you can refreshing to baturaden.

Botanic Garden of Batu Raden located in hillside south Slamet mountain with height of 640m above sea level and distance 14 km from downtown Purwokerto. Mount Slamet is and the biggest volcano is highest second in Java island, because the existence in hillside, hence do not if in this place we can feel a real brotherly temperature of cold.

Batu Raden Area also has floral potency and fauna having high conservation value and some between it is even is under the aegis of Law like leopard and grey monkey gone with the tide length. According to a source, in this place we can meet some waterfalls between of Pancuran 3 (Telu) what flows temperature water is having sulphur, Douche 7 (Pitu) is located around 25km from area Batu Raden, Sarabada cave is residing in near by douche 7, Quiet Lake aparting around 3 east km Batu Raden, Curug Cipendok having height of 92 m, Curug Ceheng, Bath of Times Bacin which is one of place of Dutch omission, and Museum BRI build in the year 1895 (unhappily, all the the place has not have time to be visited).

Which there is in photograph be the name Waterfall Gumawang. In curug which height reaching this 25m many children that is volunteer free fall with payment around Rp 3000 once jumping movement.

Baron Beach in Yogyakarta

The Baron Beach is located in Desa Kemadang, District Tanjungsari, around 23km southward town Wonosari, be first beach met from area network Baron beach, Coupe, Along the length, Drini, Krakal and Sundak.

Along the beach this also there is underground river estuary which able to be applied for bath after playing at on the sea. Besides tourist also can enjoy multifarious of fresh sea fish and also ready for service, with the price of reached, including menu typical of coast Baron that is Sop Kakap. At reachable east side passed circle footpath there is tourist chalk hill can rest in watchman station of approach, breath in refreshing coast air. More or less 10 km kea occidental rah from Baron beach there is Parang Racuk beach with the hill boosting and precipitous, spatially from the top of hill.

In each month of Syuro year local fisherman public Java carries out Upacara Sedekah Laut which is thanks taste expression to the one supreme God to abundance fish harvest and safety looks for fish on the sea.

Jatijajar Cave in Kebumen, Central Java

Jatijajar Cave is one of object the best in Kabupaten Kebumen. This cave unfolds along the length + /250 m with wide average of 25 m with height of 15 m, causing facilitates for visitor to enter it. In this cave still there is river under which still be active as well as there are four fruit of sendang namely: kantil, rose, jombor and puser bumi. Sendang Kantil and Mawar is trusted able to make ageless of just for who of which will wash the face with water of the both sendang.

To enjoy content from this Jatijajar cave, not requires high expertise and must be equip with equipments of caving which complete. In this cave has been attached various variegation lamps which will add separate impression when enjoying it. Not only installation of lighting, in this cave have also been filled with various statues that sizes man who is telling story Raden Kamandaka or more knowledgeable with story Lutung Kasarung. This statues having color clean white and put down to teams at various angle of caves represents a fragment of story. Unhappily, inexistence of complete brochure at this object results visitor that is not knows story Lutung Kasarung, less can enjoy or understands about fragment is told by the statues. It is better when enjoying contents of this cave, visitor is consorted with guide so that soybean cake can and enjoys contents of cave in more complete.

In cave is have also been made road line made from cement. At part of decline road and also climbs have also been made horse complete with it is hold made from iron. Left side and road right at certain distance have also been attached light lamp, which all the way of this it is of course would increasingly facilitates visitor to explore all contents of cave. This cave also still having many exit holes at its(the top, sunshine carving a way through inside cave to give impression to respect is separate when enjoyed. Stone stalagtite and stalagmite of the this cave enough draws, between it is even still be active for always grows. This thing is marked with still existence of flowing water and drops at the back parts. But personally I feel existence of statues of this cave, a few not its averting visitor to enjoy pattern or ornament from the stone. Game of light from the lighting the cave is arranged in such a manner so that can add impression to respect ornament the stone.

On the other hand in exterior of Jatijajar cave, visitor will meet a dinosaur statue is having color king sized green with his mouth which yawn wide. From within the mouth flows water rapidly its, where the water comes from the underground river in jatijajar cave. The water flows out from dinosaur statue mouth towards big river stream where visitor especially moppet many exploiting it as supporting facilities for water game. Season rain, the river water flows very rapid even can bubble up and suffuses base Jatijajar cave.

Actually in this tourism object area also there is other cave namely Dempok, Titikan and Intan. Unhappily the facility is incomplete cave like what is in Jatijajar cave, so that enthusiastic man pittance to trace it. Infrastructure and supporting facilities for the around tourism object have also been is quite a lot, including between of supporting facilities for public transport in the form of fairish bus is readily accompanying passenger from main wayside of south coast Kebumen - Yogyakarta, finite towards location of tourism object nature cave, Jatijajar.

Slamet Mountain in Central Java

Slamet Mount is highest mount second in P. Java. For towards top GSlamet there are 3 line, through line westside (Jar), through Batu Raden and through Bambangan, from third of the line is proximate is via Bambangan. Towards Bambangan, started from Puwokerto towards Purbalingga and continued to Bobotsari. From Bobotsari towards countryside doesn't by using truck through country sides encircled by trees. Countryside doesn't be reachable last countryside with vehicle. From countryside Penjangan, we are towards Bambangan which can be gone through during 1 hour. In Bambangan there is lighting post, where officer takes care of it is doubling as this climb guide and place earns also using to rest to all climber. When we wish to camp in the middle of journey, need to get permission from officer Pesanggrahan PERHUTANI Serang (Bambangan). And if we went up a few more, will meet a big maisonette and around this place we also able to spend the night. Runs towards right, we will pass kitchen garden and pine forest, if rising always will come into beautiful tropical forest. Before reaching Samarantu at height of 2900 m, there is a bench to take a rest as well as there is a post maisonette IV, in general the climbers rests and spends the night and here available cleanness water. If rising always during 1 hour again, we will reach Sampiyan Jampang, this is boundary between last forests and from here we can see sunrise. From Sampiyan Jampang journey of towards top is gone through during 1 hour through sedimentation stones of Iihat lava and magma. After we arrive at top, will seen extent of really wide to see lava field and amazes, we can witness exotic view towards cauldron which still active. Big explosion at this cauldron happened on 13 juli 1988. Climb from Bambangan to Samarantu requires time 6 hour, from Samarantu towards top Slamet mountain is 2 hour again and lowering of required approximately time 4 hour. While if we wish towards other line, for example Guci (sees compass 310 degrees), climber must pass cauldron complex to choose line wanted.

Wediombo Beach, Fishing from the Karang Hill

An imagination about white sand extremely wide enabling eye for binoculars free to various corners possibly will emerge if hearing coast so called Wediombo ( wedi=pasir, ombo=lebar). But, actually coast Wediombo do not have extent of wide sand of that. Part of coastal west and east flanked by coral reef, makes extent of this shore sand do not with a width of Parangtritis, Glagah, or possible of Kuta. Local resident of course lays open that name of this coast given by unsuited ancestors with its(the situation. Something lays open, this more coast proper gird name of Teluk Ombo, because coastal situation of course looks like wide bay. There is flanking reef, its(the sea-water is sordid to continent, but has wide which more wide compared to ordinary bay.

But, outside the problem of not accurate name of that, Wediombo remain to serves view of remarkable coast. The sea-water still be blue, do not like other tour of coast which has finite is impure of the water having color green. Its white sand still hardly awaking, decorated cochleas leaved by the cockle. The coastal situation is also very peace, far from glamour sunning tourist or then vehicle grass. Correct place to release saturate. Wediombo located in Desa Jepitu, District Girisubo, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul. This coast hardly easy to be reached when before all has come to Siung beach. Enough returns to three in Tepus before towards to Siung, then turn to right follow the road line so finding guide board to right for towards Wediombo.

The situation of this coast far more downwards is compared to the land in area continent. Some horse must be gone down formerly before can reach coast and enjoys the beauty of the panorama. Going down, in visible left right some local resident farms, houses remains and vegetation of mangrove which still remaining. Then resident grass bringing the grass or takes care of livestock in cage also able to be met. Besides amazing coast panorama, Wediombo also offers experience of this tour on unique, even extreme, that is fishing in coral reef height. Now the tour type is beginning from habit to fish this middle local resident liked by hobbies from town Yogyakarta and Wonogiri.

Non thing is easy to fish in coral reef, because the situation which far from coast. The coral reef has just can be reached after run eastwards fringes coast lip, fluctuates rock in precipitous coast ridge, slippery and sometime is slammed billow, then went up again finite rock hilltop that is directly deals with free sea which in. For you which has accustomed only, journey of towards coral reef can eat time one hour. But, remarkable result able to be harvested after giving in all the barricades. Local resident lays open, king sized fish often gotten by the local tourist. Minimum, angler will get fish “cucut”, or fish “panjo” in local term. Equivalent length fish with man arm these days has 2 type, which is in the form of cylinder many met at dry season, temporary which flat met at the rains.

Singosari Temple in East Java

Singosari Temple is located in Desa Candirenggo, Kecamatan Singosari, Kabupaten Malang. Found at around beginning of century 18 (at the year 1800-1850) with giving of called Menara Temple by Dutchman. Possibly giving of this name caused its form looking like tower. Have time to also called Cella Temple by ancient expert of nation of Europe with guidance existence of four fruit of gap at the wall part of the body. Also according to report from W. Van Schmid visiting this temple in the year 1856, local resident names Cungkup Temple. Finally name that is until now is used is Singosari Temple because the situation in Singosari, there is some people calls it with Renggo Temple because the situation is in Desa Candirenggo.

According to report written from the visitors Singosari Temple from the year 1803 to 1939, told that Singosari Temple is wide temple complex. In the complex is got by seven fruit of temple building which has collapsed and many statue to scatter in every where. One of seven temples which can be saving from annihilate is temple that is now we call Singosari Temple. As for the statue a lot is brought to Dutch, while the statues which now stays yard by present Singosari Temple, comes from annihilate have been temples of that.

Form of building Singosari Temple can be spelled out members special, because the temple impressing has two levels. Ought to temple rooms stays at temple organ, at Singosari Temple exactly there is at temple foot/feet. The rooms initially also there is statue in it is namely north inside contained Durgamahisasuramardhini statue, eastside contains Ganesha statue and part of south there is Resi Guru Statue which famous is ordinary with the title Resi Agastya. But is the existing only remains Resi Agastya Statue only, while other the statue has been brought to Leidan - Dutch. Reason of why the statue scrip certificate Agastya is not swept along to Dutch is possible because of the tritiatht condition enough hard, so that improper brought as present to country power the Dutch at that moment.

Interesting something else to be observed at this Singosari Temple is decoration of temple. Generally temple building is decorated with plane decoration at from head to foot or part of temple. At the Singosari Temple, we don't get such a thing. Decoration of Singosari Temple is not entirely is finalized. Thereby inferential that unfinished former Singosari Temple is done but then is leaved. Causes is leaved the attributed to with existence of war, that is attack from king Jayakatwang from empire of bangles to Raja Kertanegara empire of Singasari happened at around year of 1292. Jayakatwang king attack can break empire Singhasari. King Kertanegara along with its(the follower murdered. Anticipated by a period of ruination empire of Singasari that is, hence Singosari Temple is not finalized and finally unfinished.

In uncompleted this useful temple building also for us which wish to know making technique decoration of the temple. Seen that the decoration is done from the top of downwards. Upper is done finely, part of temple body (middle) partly completed while undersides at all has not been finalized. Yard Singosari Temple still there are some the statue is remaining, some between it was body the angel though can be spelled out members not fully again. Even there are one Dewi Parwati statue having part of head which seen "odd". likely the part is not leading the statue which actually. Because head the statue which actually is anticipated break and is not found again.

Pays a visit to this Singosari Temple hold guide-book tour is telling a story about history of Singosari temple, have time to generate sorrow is my heart. How not, some part of the page is shown to explains photographs the statue which has been brought to Dutch country, complete along with explanation of position along with attribute worn by figure statue. The photographs indicates that is they (colonist) brings their country, of course is the statue which still be fully with level of art which able to be prided upon. a thing which able to be spelled out members "robbery" by nation of Dutch to the art of Indonesian nation.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Exoticism Pangandaran Beach, West Java

Pangandaran, tourism object which is the best beach in this West Java located in Desa Pananjung Kecamatan Pangandaran with approximately distance 92 km to south Ciamis town. The beach which is part of this south sea has beautiful view with a real area wide, has smooth sand and water is cleanness. This coast was one of object wisata which have been famous since Dutch era. Even in Japan epoch, this coast especially in Teluk Pananjung have ever been made Japan army landing-place, so that over there still there are some Japan caves that is formerly is made place of caches of intending Japan army groans Dutch army. The beach which reasoning of preserve Pananjung rich Flora would and this Fauna also gives opportunity to the the visitors to see publishing and sundown out of one the same places.

This Pangandaran beach has sloping coast characteristic with clear water and interval attached and withdrawn relative of stripper, enables the visitors to swim safely. Besides, along the beach this also available beach rescuer team. Condition of the street around area paving cumulus by way of adequate also becomes one of supporter factor making Pangandaran as one of favorite visit object. Your recreation with families along the beach this is a compulsion which may not be overcome especially is when vacation of family. Tourist resort of Pangandaran beach also gives alternative of choice for attraction along the beach its is a real pleases, like existence of parasailing, jet sky, touring, wind surfing, scuba diving, snorkling, rent of boat which will cross to Pasir Putih and looks around rock in beautiful sea and various decorative fish. In preserve Pananjung of the tourists can peep bull, deer and other animal complete with beauty of preserve awaking the continuity is still fresh and cleanness.

Event tourism is having level is international the always is executed here is kite festival International (Pangandaran International Kite Festival) with various activities of the supporter which able to be witnessed on every month of June or July. A few last years more than anything else after knocked over by waving tsunami, some of the beach especially resident houses, shop and food booth and others, a lot is weight breakdown. There even exist some maisonettes tourist resort which still have not been rehabilitated. But now tour object Pangandaran beach has writhed respects and natty. Many hotels which has been built with facility and service which more pleasing. The beach shall no longer as dirty like formerly, because the cloister merchants have been arranged in order. Now they are placed having align natty of besides in from asphalt pavement of the beach. Along the length of adjacent asphalt pavement boundary with beach have also been built wall fence that is strong enough so that can arrest sea-water in the event of tidal wave.

Maninjau Lake

Maninjau Lake in West Sumatra is one of lake that is very amazes in Indonesia. This located volcanic lake more or less 461 m above sea level. Of the size more or less 100 square meters with depth of maximum 500 m, this lake has a interconnected legend. Based on legend in domain Minang about "Bachelor Nine", among others dies by the way of plopping down into cauldron. This cauldron then big and later is formed lake here. Lake Maninjau has five star resort residing in hilltop. With view pleasing and sets a mind at rest, lodges in area Maninjau will become impressing experience.
Countryside Maninjau located in lake side. Buya HAMKA, one of famous man of letters in Indonesia, borne here. HAMKA writes entitling book "Tenggelamnya Van Der Wijk" which fenomena. Other famous figure borne here is Rangkayo Rasuna Said, one of national warrior in Indonesia. Name of this woman immortalized as one of protocol road in Jakarta.

Maninjau Lake located 35 km from town Bukittinggi, you can rent car to reach area Maninjau lake. Public transport also in big supply. Various lodgings or hotel in region Bukittinggi. You also can lodge in resort Maninjau lake. You can gratify peckish and thirst in restaurants closest, or earns also in hotel area or lodging. hot famous West Sumatra Food, thus clever to choose.

Besides admiring the view, you refreshing can in lake, although limited facility. Unhappily, because in this area swimming cloth which is tight assumed to be undignified, hence for which wish to swim cannot do it in Maninjau lake. You can swim in resort or various hotels providing swimming pool facility. In resort Maninjau you also can visit fitness center and jogging track which available.

Glagah Beach, From Lagoon to Agro tourism

A spacious beach plain would soon does when paying a visit to Glagah beach. This coastal plain gives opportunity you to flung out opinion to all angle. Opinion spread forwards, you can see a real horizon line length bringing into contact sky and ocean. While beauty of crook of coastline will pamper eye if transferring opinion to west or east. Spacious coastal plain and long coastline also gives you a number of locations alternative of see coast panoramic view panoramic beauty. Each location likely has different nuance although still is located in one areas. In every that location, you can enjoy all beauty of coast spatially, at all no giant rocks that is sometime hinders sight.

A real first location precise to see view of coast is a location which will be made port a few next years. You can meet it when has reached first turn from retribution post, its(the sign is a board writes down PP. Meeting of river stream with ocean wave that is full is harmony can be witnessed by taking a ride an watchman station of approach which there is over there. Along the length of finite first location some hundred meter towards west, you can meet a lagoon with current which towards downstream river. This lagoon divides coastal area become two, location which still be growth by some coastal plants and grass and location of sand bar that is directly abuts on ocean. You can cross to location of sand bar to pass located access road do not far from river estuary.

Runs more to west, you can witness member activity surrounding and some tourists fish. When we pay a visit, they seems to standing and marching, in line follows coastline hold equipments to fish it. Coast area that is sloping enough given fish award in number which is big enough. A number of booths vending sea food also there is, presents having immeasurable proper menu to be tried.

Besides view of beautiful coast, Glagah beach also has having immeasurable facility tourist beach. One of is motor area cross which is located right across coastal periphery broadly which is big enough, satisfies for this athletics devotee you. Meanwhile, asphalt road connecting Glagah beach with other coasts can be exploited as beach bicycle sport arena. You even can enjoy coastal agro tourism facility by visiting plantation Kusumo Wanadri. Over there, you can observe conducting process is having immeasurable sure cure crop, like fruit of fragon and interest roselle. Besides, you also able to rent gethek, kano and parrots oar which able to be applied for tour to fringe lagoon or simply crossing through wood bridge towards location of sand bar ashore.

Tired circled, you can rest in gubug seat in plantation area Kusumo Wanadri. A number of proper exotic food and beverage menus to be tried. You can taste juice fruit of refreshing fragon and recognized can heal having immeasurable disease, or orders interest syrup ice roselle capable to release thirst at the same time neutralizes having immeasurable poison type in body. To enjoy overall of panoramic view panoramic beauty of coast Glagah, you can accelerate gets through two alternative of road. Firstly, runs to south to pass road Bantul and turns of towards line Bantul - Purworejo after reaching Palbapang. Second, runs to west to pass road trajectory Yogyakarta - Wates - Purworejo and turns after meeting name board towards Glagah beach. You can apply personal vehicle to be easier to access it.

Journey to this coast do not as difficult journey of towards coast in region Gunung Kidul. Took the air passed by tends to leveling off and not many zoom so that you can go through it relaxing. Trajectory towards Purworejo town also connects Glagah beach with other beach in Kabupaten Kulon Progo. So, once pedals oar, two three islands is gone beyond, you can visit other coasts after this.

Galunggung Mountain, Tasikmalaya in West Java

Mount is having height 2,167m mdpl, located 20 km southwest Tasikmalaya town the history have ever erupted several times, last of the year 1982. Having type last eruption volcanical vertical (like eruption of atom bomb mushroom) reach height of 20 km to space, followed blast piro clastic (flour) what rains town Bandung, Tasik, Arrowroot, Cianjur and other town in radius 100 km. Thick dirt during 4 month is rainy the towns. make misery that is enough. After eruption, 100,000 ha area of around flattening with ground to born down upon stone, sees lava and dirt. The top of the mountain has collapsed drift brought cool to look the lava to vinicity area, the stone and sand becomes benediction that is not the pot is cleans to mined.

At the time of the eruption, a Jumbo Jet Boeing 747 British Airways Sidney-London BA-009 that is passing by quickly in West Java south in height explores 11,000 m, fourth of the machine is dead on the spur of the moment at the time of at the same approximant, sucks dirt Galunggung, falls to height of 4,000 m within 16 minutes; but last minutes successfully is reanimated and crash land in Soekarno-Hatta and back is controlled the flight of after changing all the machine and win shield that is incised by silica dirt weight. One month then SQ Flight enters cloud galunggung, height of fall to 2400 m, 3 from 4 the machine death, Iucky one machines successfully is animated, and lands safely.

Now Galunggung Mount is being in a state of well-asleep, causing can be come near safely. Sees the history, the next cycle possible 43 years again. Crater of the existing Galunggung have been given 620 horses to reach 200m rest of the altitude from place of parking last. From cauldron lip, stand-out Tasik town resided in eastside its. As far as eye looks into seen trees is having color green, with the bar which seems to be still little. Looks into toward in, can be witnessed 40 ha new lake of eruption notching 1982 having color greenness.

Lake water taken care of not to exceed 1 million cubic by flowing the rest through tunnel to river Cibanjaran and Cikunir in east kaldera. nonintervention of This man, cauldron wall destroy can make awful floods of like the one have ever happened in Kelud mount in Kediri is the year by 1920. River water that is enough warmness, can be enjoyed in bath so called Cipanas or the river residing in 3km before cauldron is not far from place of parking under.

Wall kaldera is in the form of horse poultice. From both the back parts we can go down to base kaldera carefully. In dancing cauldron, besides lake also there is river stream with rock stone which equal to buffalo head scatters in where. One of place gone to be base kaldera is a mosque is residing in about 2 km in tip of south near by new cauldron wall. Behind the mosque there is a kind of small cave, place of meditating. In cauldron base, in lake periphery, alongside flowing river and or is near by mosque, be place that is usually is used to camp.

To reach cauldron Galungggung is not too difficult, from wayside Bandung-Tasikmalaya precisely in area Indihiang turn to right toward south, go through 15km countryside road which rather narrow of bough without road indicator board that is clear, enough bewildering initially, thus must often enquires. Also would often rubs up against sand truck which some time one of vehicle must retreat because in some part of narrow road and turn.

Bledug Kuwu

Bledug Kuwu is a mud cauldron (mud volcanoes) which located in Desa Kuwu, District Kradenan, Kabupaten Grobogan, Central Java Province. This place can be gone through approximately 28 kms eastwards from town Purwodadi. Bledug Kuwu is one of tourism object pledge in this area, besides source of endless fire of Mrapen, and Waduk Kedungombo. Interesting object from this Bledug is mud eruptions containing salt and takes place is continuous periodic, between 2 and 3 minute. In geology, mud cauldron Kuwu, as other mud cauldron, it is release activity of gas from within earth core. This gas usually is methane. Kuwu is the only having location in Central Java. Mud eruptions happened usually brings also mineral rich condensation from mud underside upward. Case Sidoarjo also is form of mud cauldron, though for the things this last level of the higher activity.

According to hereditary story circulating among local public, Bledug Kuwu happened caused by hole connecting the place with Selatan Ocean (Indian Ocean). It is said the hole is return road Joko Linglung from Selatan Ocean towards empire of Medang Kamulan after giving in Prabu Dewata Cengkar which has turned into white crocodile on the South Ocean. Joko Linglung it is said can make the hole because he can transform to become dragon is condition that he confessed as Aji Saka child.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Taman Ismail Marzuki

Center Artistry of Jakarta Taman Ismail Marzuki which is popular called as Taman Ismail Marzuki (TEAM) location is in Cikini Raya Street 73, Jakarta Pusat, be a center artistry and culture. Here located Institut Kesenian Jakarta and Planetarium Jakarta. Besides, TEAM also has six modern of theatre, exhibition hall, gallery, archive building, and cinema. Event of arts and cultural is demonstrated routinely in center this artistry, including drama staging, dance, puppets, music, poem read, exhibition of painting and film show. Various contemporary and traditional artistry types, good which is tradition of Indonesia original nor overseas also detectable in this place.

Opened by Gubernur Pemerintah Daerah Propinsi DKI Jakarta Jenderal Marinir Ali Sadikin, date of 10 Novembers 1968. TEAM is built to areal soil;land;ground with a width of nine hectares. Formerly this place known as recreation space of public ‘Taman Raden Saleh' (TRS). Visitor ‘TRS ' besides can enjoy ruthless of town lung and watch a number of animals, watching also able to race dog in track ‘Races Dog ' now turns into office and faculty student lecture hall film and television IKJ.

TEAM since stands up the year 1968 then up to now had become actor expression space presenting masterpieces innovative. Demonstrates experiment, a loaded world or swan song with idea world. Opens door of the wide for space think and creation towards art that is with quality. For a few time the duration hope emerged a masterpiece in creation world, becomes reality. Team Podium becomes shining with loaded experiment masterpieces of idea. This marked by a number of creator art which have time to open new map to stage.

Taman Impian Jaya Ancol

Taman Impian Jaya Ancol is an object wisata in Jakarta Utara. At 2006, Glorious Dream Garden of Ancol changes name to become Ancol Jakarta Bay City. As tourist area, Taman Impian Jaya Ancol had simply stood since century ke-17. At that time, Dutch Indies Governor General, Adriaan Valckenier, has very beautiful health resort house ashore. Along time journey, the area then rounds into place of tour.

Emerges proposal is that the area is functioned to to become industrial area. But, the suggestion refused to be out of hand by President Soekarno. President Soekarno wish to build the area as tourist resort. Through Decision of President by the end of December 1965, President Sukarno commands to Gubernur DKI Jaya at that time, dr. Soemarno, as development executor of project of Taman Impian Jaya Ancol. Project of this development has just been executed under leader Ali Sadikin which at the time becomes Jakarta Governor. Development of Ancol executed by PD Pembangunan Jaya under leader Ir. Ciputra.

Specification of Taman Impian Jaya Ancol in beginning of forming of marked with built by it Theatre building in the year 1970. Supporting facilities for recreation following built more and more popularizes existence Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, not even among town mother public, but also all Indonesia.

Development various projects is still going on up to now. Cloister merchant is arranged, hotel is built, golf course, and having immeasurable game is presented. That thing means supporting facilities for recreation and entertainment amusement in Taman Impian Jaya Ancol would increasingly complete. In the next years, levying of supporting facilities for recreation and entertainment amusement aimed at supporting facilities for entertainment amusement of high tech. That thing has been started with built by it area Taman Impian "Fantasy World" phase I in the year 1985. Now, Glorious Dream Garden of Ancol is standing at farm with a width of 552 hectares, has become place of tourist resort and recreation of the biggest game and complete in Indonesia.

Lawang Sewu at Semarang City

Lawang Sewu is a building in Semarang, Central Java which is office from Nederlandsch Indishe Spoorweg Naatschappij or NIS. Built in the year 1903 and having in the year 1907. Located in complex Tugu Muda Semarang which ahead is called as Wilhelmina Plein. Lawang Sewu is built in the year 1908, what done by Professor Dutch architect Klinkkaner and Quendaag. The year 1920, this building starts used as head office Nederlandsch Indische Spoor-weg Maatschapij (NIS), a firm or first train company in Indonesia standing the year 1864.

When happened Pertempuran Lima Hari in Semarang, 14-18 Augusts 1945, Lawang Sewu and its surroundings becomes center encounter between Indonesia combatants and Japan army. Many victims which dies that moment. To commemorate them, on the left entrance (spandrel) build a cenotaph to write down name of the Indonesia combatants that is killed. But, from the side of Japan do not be permitted builds monument or monument of similar. Local public calls it Lawang Sewu (a Thousand Doors). This because of the building has door which a lot (in reality door of the do not a thousand, possibly also because this building window height and wide, public also assumes it as door).

This two floors luxury and ancient building after independence used as Indonesia Railroads office ( DKARI) or now PT Indonesia Train. Besides have ever been used as Kantor Badan Prasarana Komando Daerah Militer (Kodam IV/Diponegoro) and Kantor Wilayah Departemen Perhubungan of Central Java. During struggle of this building has note of separate history that is when taking place event of Pertempuran Lima Hari in Semarang (14 Octobers - 19 Octobers 1945) in this stripper building becomes location of super encounter between young mens AMKA or Angkatan Muda Kereta Api fights against Kempetai and Kidobutai, Jepang. Hence from that is the Government of Town Semarang with SK Wali Kota 650/50/1992, input Lawang Sewu as one of 102 historic or ancient buildings in Kota Semarang which properly is protected.

Now building having age the empty 100 years and having reputation as dreadful building. Once in a while applied as place of exhibition, between of Semarang Expo and Tourism Expo. In there are also discourse which wish to change it becomes hotel. In the year 2007, this building also used for film with the same title with its(the building.

Kawah Putih and Situ Patengan (Bandung)

In Bandung Selatan, there are some tourism object that is enough interesting to be visited. Between it is Kawah Putih and Situ Patengan (people often calls it Situ Patenggang). Because of the distance which is enough far from town Bandung,sekitar 2,5 hours, suggested if you will visit place in this Bandung Selatan, better to some places at the same time, that you journey is more efficient.

Kawah Putih
This place resides in area Ciwidey. The view enough respecting, the cool air. Above mount, there is extent of sand is having color white, and middle of it there is lake is having color green, a view that is enough is contrast. This beautiful place people say found by a Dutch which so called Dr. Franz Wilhelm Junghuh. He is unconvinced with people around story telling patuha mount area is ghostlike, because smooth genie residence and is being. So there is no late animal even flying bird gets through is just can be die. Simply is found existence of lake, in by it there is brimstone blast, so that animal haves no like with the flavor.

At elbow entrance there are some saung, so that we can rest with relax with situation which we have never got in big towns. Ticket price the entry of enough cheap, Rp3500 / people, added Rp3000 for car. Of course in this place there are no complete facility, just selling the view. What a pity, this ought to can become place of a real interesting tourism if it is managed seriously by local government.

Situ Patengan
From Kawah Putih, we can continue our journey towards Situ Patengan. This tour garden more crowdedly is compared to Kawah Putih, possibly is caused the more facility. This tour garden wide 17 ha, while the lake wide 48 ha. In the middle of the lake there is isle named by island Asmara, because is in the form of liver.

Situ Patengan, comes from Sundanese "Pateangan-teangan" with the meaning is each other looks for. Told formerly there is a couple of lover that is Ki Santang and Dewi Rengganis which is each other loves. They is split-ups so much the duration, and is each other looks for. Finally they meet in place named by Batu Cinta. Dewi Rengganis also asks made the lake and a boat to sail together. This boat hitherto becomes an island which is in the form of liver (Asmara island).

People say, for couple encircling island Asmara and halting-place to stone In love with getting endless love like the couple. Without wasting in opportunity, we also rents boat and turns around island and halting-place to Batu Cinta. In journey, the boat worker tells also that Asmara island is dreadful, and shall only be called on by visitor if had got permission and accompanied by the custodian. What a pity many ignorant hands leaving streaks in place of tour which this is beautiful. Ticket the entry of is rather costlier are compared to Kawah Putih.

You interests to pay a visit to Bandung Selatan?

In Bandung Selatan, there are some tourism object that is enough interesting to be visited. Between it is Kawah Putih and Situ Patengan (people often calls it Situ Patenggang). Because of the distance which is enough far from town Bandung,sekitar 2,5 hours, suggested if you will visit place in this Bandung Selatan, better to some places at the same time, that you journey is more efficient.

Kawah Putih
This place resides in area Ciwidey. The view enough respecting, the cool air. Above mount, there is extent of sand is having color white, and middle of it there is lake is having color green, a view that is enough is contrast. This beautiful place people say found by a Dutch which so called Dr. Franz Wilhelm Junghuh. He is unconvinced with people around story telling patuha mount area is ghostlike, because smooth genie residence and is being. So there is no late animal even flying bird gets through is just can be die. Simply is found existence of lake, in by it there is brimstone blast, so that animal haves no like with the flavor.

At elbow entrance there are some saung, so that we can rest with relax with situation which we have never got in big towns. Ticket price the entry of enough cheap, Rp3500 / people, added Rp3000 for car. Of course in this place there are no complete facility, just selling the view. What a pity, this ought to can become place of a real interesting tourism if it is managed seriously by local government.

Situ Patengan
From Kawah Putih, we can continue our journey towards Situ Patengan. This tour garden more crowdedly is compared to Kawah Putih, possibly is caused the more facility. This tour garden wide 17 ha, while the lake wide 48 ha. In the middle of the lake there is isle named by island Asmara, because is in the form of liver.

Situ Patengan, comes from Sundanese "Pateangan-teangan" with the meaning is each other looks for. Told formerly there is a couple of lover that is Ki Santang and Dewi Rengganis which is each other loves. They is split-ups so much the duration, and is each other looks for. Finally they meet in place named by Batu Cinta. Dewi Rengganis also asks made the lake and a boat to sail together. This boat hitherto becomes an island which is in the form of liver (Asmara island).

People say, for couple encircling island Asmara and halting-place to stone In love with getting endless love like the couple. Without wasting in opportunity, we also rents boat and turns around island and halting-place to Batu Cinta. In journey, the boat worker tells also that Asmara island is dreadful, and shall only be called on by visitor if had got permission and accompanied by the custodian. What a pity many ignorant hands leaving streaks in place of tour which this is beautiful. Ticket the entry of is rather costlier are compared to Kawah Putih.

You interests to pay a visit to Bandung Selatan?

Fatahillah Museum

Museum Fatahillah which also is known as Museum Sejarah Jakarta or Museum Batavia is a museum which located in Jalan Taman Fatahillah No. 2, Jakarta Barat broadly more than 1300 m2. This building formerly Stadhuis or City hall, built in the year 1707-1710 to Van Champion Governor General command Hoorn. Balai kota building similar to Istana Dam in Amsterdam, consisted of main building with two wings in part of east and occidental and building sits side by side applied as office, court room, and underground spaces used as prison. On 30 March 1974, this building then opened as Museum Fatahillah.

Objects which can be met in this museum for example journey of history of Jakarta, omission replica a period of Tarumanegara and Pajajaran, result of dig of archaeology in Jakarta, antique furniture started from century ke-17 to 19, which is solidarity from Europe style, Republic People of China, and Indonesia. Also there are ceramics, pottery, and inscription stone. This collections there is in various spaces, like Ruang Prasejarah Jakarta, Space Tarumanegara, Ruang Jayakarta, Space Fatahillah, Ruang Sultan Agung, and Ruang MH Thamrin.

There is also various collections about culture Betawi, numismatic, and pedicab. Even now also is put down statue Dewa Hermes (according to Greek mythology, be luck deity and protection for the merchant) at first located in crossroad of Harmoni and cannon Si Jagur assumed has magical strength. Besides, in Museum Fatahillah also there is ex- underground prison that is formerly has time to be applied at colonization epoch of Dutch.

Beringharjo Market as Batik Centre in Yogyakarta

If you interested to look for buying handicraft especially batik, you may use opportunity intentionally time to visit a traditional market which located in Malioboro Street, close to fortress Van den Burg. Name of this market is Beringharjo market comes from word “bering” (tree wish) and “harjo” (prosperity), the intention is expected by location that is its former is forest wish this can bring prosperity. Market Is having Beringharjo this known as one of purpose of tourism and at the same time is commerce centre of activities of batik product Yogyakarta, including batik cloth and or product other batik like, trunks, shirt etc. The price also varies from expensive finite cheap made available here. As in other traditional market, to shop at market is having Beringharjo this required ability bargains good. We can buy goods with cheap price, but if not hati2 it is possible that instead hit costlier. So you don't worry compare to with a few seller who is selling compare specific goods to check price. For which is not has ability to bargain we to suggest shopping at Mirota Batik. Beringharjo market is consisted of 3 floor, and although traditional market simply there is escalator to climb the next floor.

In Beringharjo market is having this we earn also hunts traditional food which has not easy to we discover in other place. Also there is kiosk selling is multifarious entertained and mace, causing aroma which typical. In other building there is seller souvenir or goods for present which can be bought in number which many, so that the price can be cheaper. But remembers must be clever bargains! As well as we need to alert brings our high-value goods, doesn't lose high-value goods which we to bring, because market tone enough multitudes and solid.

But to look for place parks in this place enough difficult, added with the many pedicabs parking in any place of making traffic to become enough in disorder, thus must be patient. And park enough cheap, because direct is worn by Rp1000 for once parks. To look for oleh2, more than anything else in number which many, Beringharjo market is can become a choice.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The crafting of Silver in Yogyakarta

Kotagede cannot be denied again had become the centre crafting of the biggest silver in Indonesia, exceeds Bali, Lombok island and Kendari. Having immeasurable crafting of silver which processed becomes having immeasurable form through having immeasurable way yielded from place having location 10 km from down town Yogyakarta. Since year 70an, [crafting/ diligence] of silver produce of Kotagede has been enthused foreign countries tourist, good which is in the form of ornament, equipments of household and or accessories decorator. Now, Kotagede do not only offers crafting affluence of the production silver, but also opportunity to study process of the silver. a brief courses having duration finite three hours in calculation day offers at package you alternative tour of covering designs ornament design of silver, makes it and finally brings your own artistic production return. One of place of where you can enjoy package tourism is in Studio 76.

Courses early stage is scheme of ornament design. You freed to choose ornament type and design which will be made. After design is determined, process is continued with evacuation of design to printing and foreigner. After forged, brass plate or copper applied as component of base is forged to applies slack tin. Hereinafter, material is stringed up according to desire and basted with silver through gilding. If having more time, you can choose makes ornament of silver which more beautiful. To make it, you must exercise chisels ornament base goods plate before basting it. You also able to choose makes ornament which its form as laminated thin strand of metals matting of silver at the exterior. Of course, increasingly respects and detail ornament which wish to be made, would increasingly valuable also the object in others eye.

All scheme process and crafting making is you rights. During production process, instructor will only guide and improve some detail which still less good. Experience of instructor in guiding and makes crafting of silver during through years will assist learning you during quickly. Supported with expertise of foreign language instructor, of course would hardly facilitates you. During courses, you also will get various explanations about [crafting/ diligence] of silver and Kotagede. Between it, explanation of about history of crafting of silver in Kotagede and explanation of is about various crafting making techniques of silver. You of course also can circle location produce of crafting and witness the workers is working, beside sees various products which has ready to be sold.

If choosing package tour to make silver in Studio 76, there are some time choice and duration according to your desire. If only having a few time only, you can choose Short Course having duration 3 hour, but if having much you time can choose Full Day Course is taking place from finite morning of evening. If still also unable to satisfy, you can choose Arranged Course which the duration corresponding to target and you desire.

Expense of courses is range from Rp100. 000, 00 finite of Rp2. 000. 000, 00 per people, depend on its(the courses package choice. Longer duration of courses, hence cost would increasingly expensive also. But unnecessary worried, because learning process also would more detail and ornament of silver that is on the market also has higher level gram. Ornament yielded from maximum Short Course only 5 gram, but Full Day Course reach 10 gram. To follow this courses, you must contact in advance some galleries or courses service feeder so that instructor and making equipments of silver can be drawn up. For towards Studio 76, you can accelerate towards Kotagede and then runs to Purbayan street. The studio provides instructor mastering English language and French. So, interests yields crafting of your own present silver?

Teluk Penyu Beach

Teluk Penyu Beach is a the tourist object in town Cilacap province Central Java. This place has wide 18 ha which there is beautiful nature panorama. Turtle Bay also has other idiosyncrasy, namely there is element tourist history. This place, there is historic omission in the form of Benteng Pendem. This fortress is omission at colonization era of Dutch. Situation from this fortress 0, 5 km from Teluk Penyu. Besides, crossed Teluk Penyu also there is an island taken as place of tourist also, namely Nusakambangan island. This island also has other idiosyncrasy, namely there is a prison applied to punish upstairs arsonist.

In Teluk Penyu can also see refinery standing regally. In Cilacap town of course is a town applied to refine oil, so that in approximant most of this town there is the numbers refinery plenty. For visitor having a passion fishing can rent boat property of fisherman.

To come to in our Teluk Penyu enough going through journey within 15 minutes from Cilacap down town. Apart coast with downtown 5 km only. To step into tourist resort area, visitor will be applied cost equal to Rp2500. If visitor wish to fish can rent boat with the price of Rp75000 - Rp100000 depends on how time depth applied.

Senggigi Beach

Senggigi beach, which located in north side Bangsal, be coast that is most popular and have been noted for beauty of its. Located coast 12 km from west side sea Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB), this Lombok island, approximant unfolding along the length of 10 km with extent of white sand likely lures you to sit to it and a moment forgets all your life routine, density of town traffic, and breaths in fresh air by enjoying view of sea-water having color blue of green gradation and enjoys respecting it sunset along the Senggigi beach.

There are some alternative to reach Senggigi beach, that is:
From Bali; Arrives At Sheet Port, You may directly towards coast Senggigi by using bus 3/4 or rent a car with other passenger. From Jakarta and other metropolis; Arrives at airport, you can take a ride cab which will accompany to hotel where you lodges. From Ampenan, You can take a ride Bemo which is available started at 6 AM until 6.30 PM for around Rp. 1,500 majors Ampenan - Senggigi, or Senggigi - Ampenan.

Around Senggigi beach many there is lodgings which able to be made choice as according to your requirement. Starting from hotel is having star, resort, finite jasmine hotel of lodging. Some places is lodging which can be made alternative is Holiday Inn, the Oberoi, Sheraton Senggigi, Jasmine Two Cottage, Pool Villa Club, Panorama Cottage, and others. Alongside coast periphery, berjejer restaurants providing various dish types typical of other Lombok island and dish type. During residing in Lombok island, doesn't forget to taste Ayam Taliwang and Plecing Kangkung. Many activities earning you to do here, like swimming, plays at kano, dives, snorkeling nor simply sunning and enjoys view.

Pelabuhan Ratu Beach

Pelabuhan Ratu is a beach that located 60 km southerly Sukabumi, West Java province. This famous place because natural beauty, cold place, and extent of wide sand. Fascination from Pelabuhan Ratu is waving compatible sea-water applied to do surfing. The waving has height of stable water. In May finite October, many visitors coming to do surfing, because wave in condition that is enough is height.

Besides place which suited for surfing activity, Pelabuhan Ratu also offers other natural beauty, like sordid reef to sea, so that visitor can relax is above fishing or sees water bumping reef. After satisfying with natural beauty, visitor can feel mistic aura which there is in Samudra Beach Hotel. In this hotel there is a room which according to public is considered to be by sojourn Ratu Laut Selatan (Nyi Roro Kidul). Visitor can see or does meditation in the room.

In this tourist area also is completed with TPI (place of auction of fish). Fish sold in this place is fish which haul fresh still of the fishermens. Visitor can buy it and cooks house. This place open at 11AM to 1 PM, because at the is fisherman starts leans ship.

To become in Pelabuhan Ratu is very easy. Tourist can apply common vehicle or person. If using public vehicle, we can apply bus from Bogor towards Sukabumi, hereinafter applies bus from Sukabumi towards Pelabuhan Ratu. Bus tariff ranges from Rp15000. To step into tourist resort location we need to pay for ticket equal to Rp2000.

Monas in Jakarta

Monas starts built in August 1959. Entirety of building Monas designed by the Indonesia architects that is Soedarsono, Frederich Silaban and Ir. Rooseno. On 17 Augusts 1961, Monas opened by President Soekarno. And started opened generically commencing from the date of 12 Julies 1975. Urban forest garden region around Monas ahead is recognized by the name of Gambir field. Then have time to change name several times becomes Ikada field, Field of Independences, Monas field and then becomes Taman Monas. Monas is built as high as 132 metre and is in the form of colossus yoni. All this building was arranged in layers by marble. There is 4 main part at Monas building, that is;

1. Flame
In part of top there is its above cup there is flame from bronze that is height 17 m and diameter 6 m weighing 14, 5 ton. This flame arranged in layers gold as heavy 45 kg. Monas flame was consisted of 77 parts united.

2. Top Yard
This place is broadness 11x11 m. To reach top platform, visitor can apply lift with journey stripper around 3 minute. In around lift there is emergency ladder. From top yard of Monas, visitor can see skyscraper physical plant in town Jakarta. Even if bright air, visitor can see Salak Mountain in West Java and also Java Sea with Kepulauan Seribu.

3. Yard under
Platform under is broadness 45x45 m. Height from base Monas to platform under that is 17 m. In part of this visitor can see Taman Monas which is beautiful urban forest.

4. Museum Sejarah Perjuangan Nasional.
In underside Monas there is a wide room that is Museum Nasional. This museum height of is 8 m. This museum presents history of Indonesian nation struggle. Wide from this museum is 80x80 m. At fourth of side museum there are 12 dioramas (demonstration window) what presents the history of Indonesia Indonesian history from empires era of finite Indonesian people ancestors of rebellion G30S PKI.

Monas Garden
You also can eliminate your saturate taste by enjoying Monas garden, that is an urban forest designed with beautiful garden. In this garden you can play together a group of deer intentionally delivered from Istana Bogor to enliven this garden. Besides you also earns having athletics in this garden with friend and also family. Monas garden also is completed with fountain dance. Show of water fountain dances very attractive this to be looked on nocturnal. Water fountain will make a move with dances which is beautiful according to oscillation of song played. Besides is also demonstrates gorgeous laser at this water fountain.

For you are which wish to take care of health, besides having athletics in Monas garden, you can also do reflection massage freely. In this garden provided amethyst that is keen enough for you treads on massaged by reflection. In this garden also is provided some football fields and basket which able to be applied whoever. If you are tired walked in garden with a width of 80 ha, you can apply tour train. This is free garden is visited by whosoever and open freely generically.

Monas Tour
To visit Monas, there is many transportation types is earning you to apply. If you are train consumer, you can apply KRL Jabodetabek with all type express desisting in Gambir Station. You also can apply transportation facility Trans Jakarta bus. If you applies person vehicle, available of special park of IRTI, or you can park your vehicle in Gambir Station. To be able to step into building Monas, You can pass entrance around statue Pangeran Diponegoro. Then you will pass underground alley to step into Monas. You also can pass entrance in yard Monas upstate. Monas is open at 9 AM until 4 PM. Monas can become one of your choice for touring with family and place is educating children to be more recognizes the history of Indonesia Indonesian history. You also can enjoy fresh air from few leaves only of trees in Monas. And don't forget keep cleaning Monas garden to that remain to respect to be enjoyed whoever.

Logending beach or Ayah beach

Ayah beach or more knowledgeable as Logending beach, be one of tourism object residing in Kebumen town, in Central Java. In this place we can feel natural beauty between forest tourism and maritime tourism. In tourism this area there is Jati forest property of local government. At struggles era of this forest region is made as Indonesia army hideaway.

This beach has having immeasurable beauty of, between of view of clear sea-water and extent of sloping sand. In Logending beach, visitor also can do various activities to relax. Besides, in side area south parks there is an area which applicable to camp. If visitor wish night situation, you can pitch a tent in this encampment area.

Logending beach is located in Ayah town around 40 km from Gombong town. For towards this tourism area, you can apply vehicle of public that is of course in big supply there. You will go through time 1 hour if you applies person vehicle. Before reaching this coast, you will pass some place of other tourist resort, namely Jatijajar cave and Petruk cave. Along the beach this have also made available lodging if you didn't wish to camp. Besides, visitor can relax explores ocean with renting boat property of fisherman which many on the market with immeasurable price.

Lamongan Maritime Tourism Object

A maritime tourism object so called Wisata Bahari Lamongan (WBL) be one of tour object which the location in sub-province Lamongan. There is unique impression if someone visits this object. Extent of wide white sand, leafy of sugar palm tree and coconut palm that is impression which will not fall into oblivion is earning we to get when we to visit this place to release is tired with family. Area WBL is solidarity between culture aspects, modern nature and architecture which there have before all, without leaving local concept.

This area is ballast between coast areas Tanjung Kodok and Istana Maharani cave which is located in north coastal area of Java coast. WBL is build to land with a width of 17 ha opened in the year 2004 with facility pampering tourist that is one stop service. Now this place becomes one of agenda that is serve the purpose of place of having the day off for family.

Tourist paying a visit will get few leaves only trees panorama adding cold situation when entering this area. Gateway WBL is alike ancient fortress building with height 10 m. In order not to seen dreadful, at entrance is made by modern building. Visitor also will fascinate with spandrel building dotted with by crab animal statue. Other idiosyncrasy from this object is beauty of sea, extent of white sand and experiencing reef. Location this there is also vehicle is earning to apply as playground, like palace under sea, space shuttle, the ghost hospital, other and piratical den. For visitor that is fond of with sea adventurer, place this provided also speed boat readily sends visitor to explore Java sea.

WBL located in Daendels Street, Desa Paciran, Kecamatan Paciran, Kabupaten Lamongan East Java. For getting to this location hardly easy to because located in north coastal area and and located is area PANTURA, so that visitor can reach it is easily and by using land vehicle. Besides, visitor also can apply public transport. Ticket price to step into tour object WBL ranges from Rp20000 - Rp40000 depend on vacation time or no.

Other facility be available the food seller or handicraft opening eye at 9 AM - 9 PM. Besides, in this place also is provided hotel is having star 3, so that intending visitor lodges not difficult of looks for lodging. You interests?? Soon visits this tourism object....

Kuta Beach in Bali

Tantalum Coast is a place of tourism which located in side south Denpasar, Bali town mother, Indonesia. Tantalum located in Kabupaten Badung. This area is a purpose of tourism for tourist foreign countries, and had become tour object pledge Pulau Bali since beginning of 70-an. Tantalum Coast often also is conceived of s
unset coast (sunset beach) as against from coast Sanur.

In Tantalum there are a lot of shop, restaurant and place of bath and puts to the sun itself. Besides beauty of the coast, coast Kuta also offers assorted of other entertainment amusement type for example bar and restaurant alongside coastal towards coast Legian. Rosovivo, Ocean Beach Club, Kamasutra, be some most crowded clubs alongside coast Kuta. This coast also has wave that is good enough for athletics as fluent (surfing), especially for surfing beginner. The located I Gusti Ngurah Rai Air Field is not far from Kuta. Tantalum Coast, famous coast because the sunset, becoming main choice for domestic tourist and also foreigners having the day off to Bali. Coastal with this white sand unfolds length up to area airport Bali, The Ngurai Rai and tourism area Seminyak or Kerobokan.

In finite noon of evening, Tantalum Coast many applied as surfing activity, sunbathing, and other easy going activity. In evening, many mans finishing to play at ball or just enjoying respects it sunset coast Kuta. Now area Kuta has rounded into Bali tourism ikon or more knowledgeable with the title International city because is place of meeting it tourist from whole world as well as local tourist. Seen from the angle of facility Kuta have complete facility. Lodging or hotel, restaurant, spa and other tourism supporter many tars earns here. Tantalum Coast is place of tour which many selected to finish vacation during in Kuta. Coastal with this white sand selected as place of surfing athletics as well as hardly suited for place of relaxing waiting for respects it sunset coast Kuta. It is not wrong thousands of tourist always this coast drug.

Ketep Pass Volcano Tourism

Ketep pass is a place of tourist resort having theme about volcano. The location of this area is at the top of Ketep hill in mountainside Merapi, in Magelang town. This object is famous with fascinating nature panorama. The natural beauty earns we can to see from Panca Arga yard. In this place we can see beauty of mount panorama - big mount in Central Java, like Merapi, Merbabu, Slamet, Sindoro, Harelip and some mountains. After satisfying, visitor can sit - sits place which has made available feeling ruthless in Ketep hill.

Besides seeing beauty of nature panorama, we can visit a cinema turning around film about history of mount Merapi. This film duration is in 45 minutes. In this film will be told regarding source of beginning the happening of volcano so erupting it mount Merapi which biggest. This film turned around in building Volcano Theatre. Visitor will feel is incomplete otherwise steps into this building. Besides the building, there is other building, namely Volcano Centre. In this building we will be invited to see and applies volcano watcher peripheral along with other supply.

To come to location of this object, visitor can apply personal vehicle or public vehicle. This location located in Sawangan area. Facility which there is in this tour area in the form of restaurant, mushola and seller of handicraft. Around location of the existing tour has not there is lodging, because location of this tourist resort opened stripper has not.

Bromo Mountain

Mount Bromo is an area tourism nature and national park residing in Indonesia state and located in Java island precisely East Java province. This mount is mount which still active. The government of Indonesia opens as national park in the year 1997. For this mount there is ocean of sand with a width of 5250 ha with situation of height of mount reach 2100 m from sea surface. Mount having height of 2350 m to this famous sea level with extent of wide sand and crater. Visitor can see a real wide cauldron with diameter 800 m (northerly - south) and 600 m (from west - east). Besides, tourist can enjoy rising view of the sun and sundown, explores mount by taking a ride horse, and enjoys warm beverage with bonfire which can fight against cool-air in top of the mountain.

Mount Bromo located between sub-province Probolinggo, Malang, Pasuruan, and Lumajang East Java province. But in urban planning, this mount still be a part of Probolinggo town. We can reach this mount by using personal or common vehicle by using two routes. First door is from direction of west, namely from town Pasuruan. But the road which must be passed is including heavy road because cannot be passed to driving your car except we to rent vehicle of type JEEP. Through this line usually tourist chooses walking with travelled distance 13 km from countryside Wonokriti.

Second door is north door from direction Probolinggo. Tourist is passing this door far easier because all vehicles can pass this road. This road applied not steep like at direction from Pasuruan. If tourist chooses door of west, they would more practically to see sunrise or sunset, but if we choose applies north line of we will meet with sand ocean. Countryside closest to reach Bromo is Cemorolawang is apart it 45 km, from Probolinggo we can apply public transport hereinafter rents horse or JEEP.

For lodging, around Bromo have many lodgings. Temperature in this mount ranges from 220 0C.

Anyer Beach

For you feeling important a few entertainment amusement by seeing view of beautiful coast, possibly lives in Jakarta, or area outside Banten, its not wrong to choose tour object in coast area anyer. Coast Anyer, is residing in 160 direction kms of west Jakarta. Tourist object in area Banten, what can be gone through during 2 hour(clock from Jakarta through turnpike Jakarta - This peacock, can give alternative of choice to liking tour coast. View of outspread white sand almost coast wise area Anyer, added the sea-water which cleanness, makes situation of mind to become peace and more easy going.

Various sufficient recreation facilities and water sport in this Anyer. Starts from garden to play at children, place of swimming, arena suns until tents for shopping souvenir also available. So if it is for family recreation, likely also precise. For liking berselancar and plays at jetski also available. To rent body board we need to release money 5 thousand rupiahs (as satisfied), or 80 thousand rupiahs to rent jetski ( during 15 minutes).

If wish to lodge, along the beach Anyer also available lodging from C class (150 ribu/net) until star class five (2 juta/net), all is located in coast periphery. Special for the things wish to enjoy coast Anyer in the night, after enjoying submerged the sun along the beach, you can choose various available sea dish in tent booths through the street along the beach Anyer. Of course all majority dish is flavor sea.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Prambanan Temple, The Most Beautiful of Hindu Temple in World

Prambanan Temple is beautiful remarkable building. This temple built in century ke-10 during government two kings, King Rakai Pikatan and King Rakai Balitung. This temple has height 47 meter (5 meter higher from Borobudur Temple), forming of this temple has fulfilled desire of the maker, shows feather in one's cap of Hindu in Java land. This located temple 17 kilometers from downtown Yogyakarta, in the middle of area that is now is built garden to respect.

There is a legend the always is told Java public about this temple. At the epoch there is a boy so called Bandung Bondowoso loving Roro Jonggrang. Because of Roro Jonggrang doesn't love Bondowoso, Jonggrang to apply to Bondowoso to make temple with 1000 statue in last night. The request was almost full filled before Jonggrang to ask member of countryside to box rice and makes big fire to be formed situation like morning. Bondowoso which is new can make 999 statue then curses Jonggrang to become statue which to be 1000 because feeling rook.

Prambanan Temple has 3 main temples in main yard, that is Candi Wisnu, Brahma, and Siwa. Third temple is symbol Trimurti in Hinduism trust. Third the temple faces easterly. Every main temple has one associate temples facing to west. That is Nandini for Siwa, Angsa for Brahma, and Garuda for Wisnu. Besides, still there are 2 temple flanks, 4 kelir temples, and 4 corner temples. Temporary, Prambanan is having second yard 224 temples. Enters Siwa temple which located in middle and the building is highest, you will meet 4 room. One main rooms contained arca Siwa, whereas 3 each other room contained Durga statue (wife Siwa), Agastya (teacher Siwa), and Ganesha (Siwa son’s). Durga statue that is mentioned over and over as Roro Jonggrang statue in legend told above.

In Wisnu Temple which located in north side Siwa temple, you will only meet one rooms containing Wisnu statue. And so do Brahma Temple which located in side south Siwa Temple, you also will only find one rooms to contain Brahma Statue. Associate temple that is enough captivating is Garuda Temple which located in near by Wisnu Temple. This temple having story about man figure semi bird which so called Garuda. Eagle is mystique bird in Hindu myth having body gold, having face white, winged squeezed, bill and winged looked like hawk. Estimated, the figure is adaptation of Hindu to figure Bennu (means 'rising ' or 'shines'), usually is associated with Dewa Re in Ancient Egypt myth or Phoenix in Ancient Greek myth. Eagle can save the mother from curse Aruna (sister Garuda born by handicap) by stealing Tirta Amerta (holy water the deities). Ability saves that admired by many people hitherto and applied for various importance. Indonesia applies it for state symbol. It is said, symbol creator Garuda Pancasila looks for inspiration in this temple. Other state also applies it for state symbol is Thailand, with same reason but adaptations form which different. In Thailand, Garuda is recognized as term Krut or Pha Krut.

Prambanan also has temple relief loading story Ramayana. According to the experts, the relief looks like story Ramayana which is derivable passed oral tradition. Interesting other relief is tree Kalpataru which in Hinduism is considered to be by life tree, continuity and area compatibility. In Prambanan, tree relief Kalpataru depicted to be middle flanks lion. Existence of this tree makes the experts to assume that century public ke-9 has wisdom in managing the area. Same as figure Garuda, Kalpataru now also applied for various importance. In Indonesia, Kalpataru becomes symbol Environment Places. Even, some scientists in Bali develops concept Tri Hita Karana for environmental conservation by seeing relief Kalpataru in this temple. The life tree also detectable at mount applied to open puppets artistry. An evidence that the relief in Prambanan world has.

If careful, you also able to see various birds relieves. This is real bird. Bird reliefs in Prambanan Temple, after natural so that the biological scientists even can identify it until level of gender. One of them is relief Kakatua Jambul Kuning (Cacatua sulphurea) what invites question. Because its, the bird actually only there is in Masakambing island, an island in the middle of Java Sea. Then, was the types formerly have ever many there is in Yogyakarta? The answers please look for your self. Because, up to now has not there are one also which able to break the mystery. It still many again which able to be dug in Prambanan. You may not boring. If finally you are fatigue, you can rest in garden around temple. Interested? Comes soon and be enjoyed..

Parang Tritis Beach

Parangtritis, be a place of tourism in the form of coastal area coast Samudra Hindia which is located more or less 30 kilometer side town south Yogyakarta. Parangtritis is tourist object which is famous enough of in Yogyakarta, besides other coast object like Samas, Baron, Coupe Krakal and Glagah beach. Parangtritis has specially view which there are no at other tourist object is besides big wave also existence of mount - high sand mount around coast, the sand mount usualy is called as dune. This tourist object have been managed by the side of local government of town Bantul good enough, starts from lodging facility and also market vending souvenir typical of parangtritis.

Besides there are bath of so-called parang wedang it is said water in bath can heal assorted of disease between of skin disease. Water from the bath contains brimstone coming from mountain in the location. Other location is coast parang kusumo where along the beach the there is place it is said for meeting between kings Yogyakarta with queens Laut Selatan. At certain days (ordinary month of suro) here is done offerings devoting (Labuhan) for Ratu Laut Selatan or in Javanese called as Nyai Rara Kidul. Local resident believed that someone is prohibited to applies clothes is having color young green if resides in this coast. Coast Parangtritis becomes place of main visit of tourist especially at Java new year nights (1 muharram/Suro). In Parangtritis there are also horse train or horse which can be rented to fringe eastward coast to west.

Special Region Yogyakarta ( or Jogja, Yogya, Yogyakarta, Jogjakarta) and often is shortened DIY is a province in Indonesia which located in part of south Java island and abuts on Central Java province in north side. Geographically Yogyakarta located in centered Java. Yogya Town has been recognized in world public especially in the field of tourism.

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