Secret nuance would soon felt is momentary after entering complex Parangkusumo beach, located the beach 30 km from Yogyakarta city and believed as gateway to step into south sea palace. Seta flower fragrant would soon is kissed when passing concevutive interest seller that is easily is met, unites with incense fragrant burned as one of offerings material. a nuance which seldom be met along the beach other. The secret increasingly felt when you to see seta flower conspergent and with refer to offerings in Batu Cinta which located in in Puri Cepuri, place of Panembahan Senopaati meets with Ratu Kidul and makes agreement. Senopati the scorpion sits doing penance in bigger fairish stone in north side whereas Ratu Kidul draws near and sits in smaller stone in side south.
Meeting of Senopati with Ratu Kidul has unique story network and influential to the relation of Yogyakarta Kingdom with Bale Sokodhomas Kingdom mastered by Ratu Kidul. Altogether begins when Senopati to do asceticism Ngeli to make perfect miracle. Reach when certain of hermitage, sudden along the beach happened storm, trees in ridge is abstracted the root, sea-water boils and fish is thrown to continent. The case makes Ratu Kidul makes an appearance to ocean surface, meets Senopati and finally fall in love. Senopati lays open the desire to can govern Mataram and requests help Ratu Kidul. The Queen finally promises the request on condition that Senopati and all the descendant will become prince consort Kidul. Senopati finally in agreement with condition of the marriage doesn't yield child.
The agreement makes Yogyakarta Kingdom as one of fraction of Mataram has tightly relationship with south sea palace. Its proof is implementation of ceremony “labuhan alit” every year as a form of devoting. One part of the procession labuhan, that is obsequies of nail cutting and hair shaped and Sultan clothes takes place in areal Puri Cepuri. You can see this labuhan process. Asceticism Senopati producing fruit result also makes many people to believe that all request types will be granted when will climb application at elbow Batu Cinta. No wonder, if hundreds of unlimited people of class and religion frequently visit this complex at days secret assumed. Pilgrimage to Batu Cinta is believed also can assist discharges heavy burden of the someone and grows again spirit of life.
Besides touring Batu Cinta and sees procession labuhan, you also able to circle coast with horse train rising. You will sent towards every angle of Parangkusumo, from east side to west. Going up horse train, you can enjoy view of big breaker and wind the blow of wind which slow. Horse train rent fare and cabman non to be expensive, only Rp20. 000 for once circumference. When fatigue, Parangkusumo has a number of booths vending food. The many amounts visitor makes this coast region almost always crowded is visited, even finite nighttime. Quite a lot also the peziarah lodging along the beach this to climb prayer. For you which wish to feel experience of spiritual in Parangkusumo can joint forces with the other visitor for with praying.
Meeting of Senopati with Ratu Kidul has unique story network and influential to the relation of Yogyakarta Kingdom with Bale Sokodhomas Kingdom mastered by Ratu Kidul. Altogether begins when Senopati to do asceticism Ngeli to make perfect miracle. Reach when certain of hermitage, sudden along the beach happened storm, trees in ridge is abstracted the root, sea-water boils and fish is thrown to continent. The case makes Ratu Kidul makes an appearance to ocean surface, meets Senopati and finally fall in love. Senopati lays open the desire to can govern Mataram and requests help Ratu Kidul. The Queen finally promises the request on condition that Senopati and all the descendant will become prince consort Kidul. Senopati finally in agreement with condition of the marriage doesn't yield child.
The agreement makes Yogyakarta Kingdom as one of fraction of Mataram has tightly relationship with south sea palace. Its proof is implementation of ceremony “labuhan alit” every year as a form of devoting. One part of the procession labuhan, that is obsequies of nail cutting and hair shaped and Sultan clothes takes place in areal Puri Cepuri. You can see this labuhan process. Asceticism Senopati producing fruit result also makes many people to believe that all request types will be granted when will climb application at elbow Batu Cinta. No wonder, if hundreds of unlimited people of class and religion frequently visit this complex at days secret assumed. Pilgrimage to Batu Cinta is believed also can assist discharges heavy burden of the someone and grows again spirit of life.
Besides touring Batu Cinta and sees procession labuhan, you also able to circle coast with horse train rising. You will sent towards every angle of Parangkusumo, from east side to west. Going up horse train, you can enjoy view of big breaker and wind the blow of wind which slow. Horse train rent fare and cabman non to be expensive, only Rp20. 000 for once circumference. When fatigue, Parangkusumo has a number of booths vending food. The many amounts visitor makes this coast region almost always crowded is visited, even finite nighttime. Quite a lot also the peziarah lodging along the beach this to climb prayer. For you which wish to feel experience of spiritual in Parangkusumo can joint forces with the other visitor for with praying.
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