Borobudur Temple, The Biggest Buddha’s Temple in 9nd Century
Whose do not know BorobudurTemple? This Buddha’s Temple has 1460 relieves and 504 Buddha dome in the complex. Many people longing to visit building which included in this World Wonder Heritages. It doesn’t surprise, because in the architecture and function as place of religious service, Borobudur of course captivates heart.
Borobudur built by King Samaratungga, one of the MataramKunoKingdom, descendant Wangsa Syailendra. Based on inscription Kayumwungan, a Indonesia so called Hudaya Kandahjaya lays open that Borobudur is a place of religious service that is completed is built 26 Mays 824, almost centenary since early days is built. Name of Borobudur according to some people has meaning a mount which stairs (budhara), while some other tells Borobudur to mean convent which located in place of height.
Building Borobudur is in the form of holy places is having horse consisted of 10 floor. Height 42 meter before renovated and 34,5 meter after renovated by storey very under applied as retainer. Six floors very under is in the form of square and three stores above its is in the form of circle and one climaxes which in the form of Buddha stupas looking towards west. Every level symbolizes human life step. According to doctrine Buddha Mahayana, each and everyone which wish to reach storey as Buddha must pass every the life level.
Part of base Borobudur, called as Kamadhatu, symbolises man which still tied passion. Four stores is above its called as Rupadhatu to symbolize man which have been able to free from passion but still tied aspect and form. At the level, statue Buddha put down to be open. Temporary, three stores above its where Buddha is put down in stupa which holes called as Arupadhatu, symbolizes man who has been free of passion, aspect, and form. Topmost part so-called Arupa symbolizes nirvana, place of Buddha bersemayam.
Every level has reliefs respects showing what a skilled the maker. The relief will be read in a row if you runs clockwise (left direction from temple entrance). At the relief Borobudur tells a story about a real story legend, that is Ramayana. Besides, there is also relief depicting condition of that moment public. For example, relief about farmer activity expressing about progress of agriculture system of that moment and sailing boat relief was representation from sea transport progress that is at that time focusing in having Bergotta (Semarang).
Entirety of the relief in templeBorobudur express teaching of the Buddha. Hence, this temple can be made media education for people who wish to study teaching Buddha. YogYES invites you to encircle every narrow alleys in Borobudur to can understand religion philosophy Buddha. Atisha, a buddhis of India at century 10, have ever paid a visit to temple built by 3 century before Angkor Wat in Cambodia and 4 century before Katedral Agung in this Europe.
Blessing of visiting Borobudur and having stock teaching copy Buddha from Serlingpa (one of king of SriwijayaKingdom), Atisha can develop teaching Buddha. He becomes convent head Vikramasila and teachs tibetan about way of practicing on Dharma. Six copies from Serlingpa also is summarized to become a teaching core is called "The Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment" or more knowledgeable by the name of Bodhipathapradipa.
One of question that is now has not been replied about Borobudur is how condition around temple when built and why the temple is found in a state of buried. Some telling Borobudur initially stands up orbited bog then hidden because eruption Merapi. The base is inscription Kalkutta writes down 'Amawa ' means milk ocean. Said that which then interpreted look as Merapi eruption. Some other tells Borobudur is piled up by cool lava of Merapi.
With all the greatness and mystery, fair when many people from all the world visit Borobudur as place which must be visited in life his(its. Besides enjoying the temple, you also able to circle to country sides around Borobudur, like Karanganyar and Wanurejo to see activity member of making crafting. You can also able to go atop Watu Kendil to be able to look into panorama Borobudur from the top. Bes awaiting what is else? Unnecessary worry earthquake 27 Mays 2006, because Borobudur is not hit the impact is at all.
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