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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Monas in Jakarta

Monas starts built in August 1959. Entirety of building Monas designed by the Indonesia architects that is Soedarsono, Frederich Silaban and Ir. Rooseno. On 17 Augusts 1961, Monas opened by President Soekarno. And started opened generically commencing from the date of 12 Julies 1975. Urban forest garden region around Monas ahead is recognized by the name of Gambir field. Then have time to change name several times becomes Ikada field, Field of Independences, Monas field and then becomes Taman Monas. Monas is built as high as 132 metre and is in the form of colossus yoni. All this building was arranged in layers by marble. There is 4 main part at Monas building, that is;

1. Flame
In part of top there is its above cup there is flame from bronze that is height 17 m and diameter 6 m weighing 14, 5 ton. This flame arranged in layers gold as heavy 45 kg. Monas flame was consisted of 77 parts united.

2. Top Yard
This place is broadness 11x11 m. To reach top platform, visitor can apply lift with journey stripper around 3 minute. In around lift there is emergency ladder. From top yard of Monas, visitor can see skyscraper physical plant in town Jakarta. Even if bright air, visitor can see Salak Mountain in West Java and also Java Sea with Kepulauan Seribu.

3. Yard under
Platform under is broadness 45x45 m. Height from base Monas to platform under that is 17 m. In part of this visitor can see Taman Monas which is beautiful urban forest.

4. Museum Sejarah Perjuangan Nasional.
In underside Monas there is a wide room that is Museum Nasional. This museum height of is 8 m. This museum presents history of Indonesian nation struggle. Wide from this museum is 80x80 m. At fourth of side museum there are 12 dioramas (demonstration window) what presents the history of Indonesia Indonesian history from empires era of finite Indonesian people ancestors of rebellion G30S PKI.

Monas Garden
You also can eliminate your saturate taste by enjoying Monas garden, that is an urban forest designed with beautiful garden. In this garden you can play together a group of deer intentionally delivered from Istana Bogor to enliven this garden. Besides you also earns having athletics in this garden with friend and also family. Monas garden also is completed with fountain dance. Show of water fountain dances very attractive this to be looked on nocturnal. Water fountain will make a move with dances which is beautiful according to oscillation of song played. Besides is also demonstrates gorgeous laser at this water fountain.

For you are which wish to take care of health, besides having athletics in Monas garden, you can also do reflection massage freely. In this garden provided amethyst that is keen enough for you treads on massaged by reflection. In this garden also is provided some football fields and basket which able to be applied whoever. If you are tired walked in garden with a width of 80 ha, you can apply tour train. This is free garden is visited by whosoever and open freely generically.

Monas Tour
To visit Monas, there is many transportation types is earning you to apply. If you are train consumer, you can apply KRL Jabodetabek with all type express desisting in Gambir Station. You also can apply transportation facility Trans Jakarta bus. If you applies person vehicle, available of special park of IRTI, or you can park your vehicle in Gambir Station. To be able to step into building Monas, You can pass entrance around statue Pangeran Diponegoro. Then you will pass underground alley to step into Monas. You also can pass entrance in yard Monas upstate. Monas is open at 9 AM until 4 PM. Monas can become one of your choice for touring with family and place is educating children to be more recognizes the history of Indonesia Indonesian history. You also can enjoy fresh air from few leaves only of trees in Monas. And don't forget keep cleaning Monas garden to that remain to respect to be enjoyed whoever.

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